Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Masada - Live in Sevilla 2000

Photobucket (I think this is the wrong album cover, this is the only one i could find)

I have nothing to say because this album has left me speechless. Just listen, and let the insane free-form improv style take you away.

1. Ne'eman
2. Katzatz
3. Hadasha
4. Beeroth
5. Yoreh
6. Hazor
7. Nashon
8. Lakom
9. Bith Aneth

Live in Sevilla: 2000

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Ghost Sonata - Collection

(sorry, no picture)

This is a collection of songs by a local band named The Ghost Sonata, from Bethel, CT. They are an amazing math-rock/experimental/indie/(self-proclaimed) A.D.D. band. I have seen this band many times and they put on a great show. The intertwining melodies of multiple singers and even more guitars hits you all at once and makes for a very interesting listen. This is a collection of 6 songs from 2 Demos/EPs that were given away at their shows. Listen and go to a show, you won't be dissapointed. To see where these guys are headed next, check their myspace.

The Ghost Sonata 1
The Ghost Sonata 2

Monday, March 3, 2008

Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog


The Shepherd's Dog is the 3th CD by folk artist Iron & Wine. I think this CD is one of the most beautiful CD's that I've heard in a really long time. The mix of a plethora of instruments really builds on the simple structure of a song. Instruments you can hear clearly are sitars, guitars, misclaneous drums, piano, and the vocals usually have some sort of effect to make them sound drony, yet very smooth. Also, the palette of lyrics that Sam Beam writes are beautiful. Songs like "Lovesong of the Buzzard" are simple, yet incredible, and make you feel like you're the happiest person alive. It's that happy of music. It all ends with the slow, yet amazing song "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" which will leave you breathless when it ends, and makes you want to listen to the whole CD again.

1. Pagan Angel and A Borrowed Car
2. White Tooth Man
3. Lovesong of the Buzzard
4. Carousel
5. House By The Sea
6. Innocent Bones
7. Wolves (Song of the Shepherd's Dog)
8. Resurrection Fern
9. Boy With A Coin
10. The Devil Never Sleeps
11. Peace Beneath The City
12. Flightless Bird, American Mouth

The Shepherd's Dog